Project 2
Electric Kettle
You are tasked with designing an electric kettle.
Product Analysis
Individually, in small groups, and as an entire class we will perform a product analysis. We will consider the same factors that we considered during the product analysis exercise and the S&P project. We will have a group discussion covering insights from all class members, but you will present your analysis as part of your process documentation at the end of the project.
User Analysis
Individually, in small groups, and as an entire class we will perform a user analysis. We will consider who the primary, secondary, and other users of the product. You will present your analysis as part of your process documentation at the end of the project.
Form Exploration and Development
You will explore, develop, and refine the form of your kettle based on user needs and preferences. Our goal at this stage of your design education is to focus on the relationship between functional efficacy and visual appeal. You will prepare a presentation quality model as the final output of this process. Your model will be made of polyurethane foam but appear to be real including color, material indications, and finish.
Process Documentation and Final Presentation
You will present a 1:1 scale model of the proposed design’s form and CMF, representational drawings of the proposed design, and documentation of your design development process.
- Perform a product analysis. Share and glean insights from peers
- Perform a user analysis. Share and glean insights from peers
- Begin form exploration, and develop them further based on functional requirements. Make sure to be mindful of formal affordances and enhance communication with signifiers.
- Share your designs with peers and use them to help test your design’s form, usability, and visual appeal.
- Refine your design based on peer and instructor feedback
- Document your design development and summarize it into a digital presentation for the class and external reviewers
- Perform a user analysis. Share and glean insights from peers
- Begin form exploration, and develop them further based on functional requirements. Make sure to be mindful of formal affordances and enhance communication with signifiers.
- Share your designs with peers and use them to help test your design’s form, usability, and visual appeal.
- Refine your design based on peer and instructor feedback
- Document your design development and summarize it into a digital presentation for the class and external reviewers
- Documentation of all research and ideation (specific quantities may be assigned by your instructor)
- 1:1 scale model made from polyurethane foam finished to indicate CMF (colors, materials, and finishes)
- Dimensioned line drawings (top, front, side)
- Presentation quality rendering(s) of the proposed design that includes CMF including additional colorways.
- Process book of all of the above items including studio photos of the model, scans of the renderings, and a reflection essay.
- 7 - 12 slide presentation summarizing your design development including the project brief, product analysis, user analysis, ideation, refinement, and proposed design
- 1:1 scale model made from polyurethane foam finished to indicate CMF (colors, materials, and finishes)
- Dimensioned line drawings (top, front, side)
- Presentation quality rendering(s) of the proposed design that includes CMF including additional colorways.
- Process book of all of the above items including studio photos of the model, scans of the renderings, and a reflection essay.
- 7 - 12 slide presentation summarizing your design development including the project brief, product analysis, user analysis, ideation, refinement, and proposed design