Exercise 1
Product Analysis
As a lead-in to our first project, we are going to do a product analysis exercise where each of you will bring in a product that interests you. With your peers, you will analyze your product in several different ways and then present your analysis to the entire class.
Context (including function)
Where is the product found? Where do you use this product? When do you use this product? What does it do? (primary function, secondary function?) What is it used for? How do you use it? Is its use intuitive? What affordances, signifiers, and feedback do you observe? What is its relative cost?
Who uses the product? Who buys it? Who else might use it? Who is served by its use? Who else is impacted? What interactions do users have with this product?
Formal Qualities
Describe the product’s form. What other existing forms (or processes) are similar to your product?
Analyze the form. (Include overall dimension information)
Precedents and Analogs
What are some direct competitors? What are some alternative products (including using a different product or process to achieve a similar result)? What are their main differences? (materials, form, cost…)
Materials and Processes
What materials is the product made from? What methods were used to manufacture it? What color/finishing are used on this product? Subjective perspective: How does the material(s) feel?
Insight: Why do you think those materials were chosen?
Environmental Impact
What impact do the materials have on the environment? What impact does the manufacturing process have on the environment? What impact does the use of the object have on the environment? Can it be reused? Recycled? Is it biodegradable?
Strengths / Weaknesses
What are the strengths of the design? What are the weaknesses? You should consider formal, functional, economic, and environmental aspects (as identified above).
Opportunities (problems worth solving)
What opportunities exist to improve the product without undermining the success of the current design?
- Identify a product that you can bring to class that is worth analyzing. It probably makes sense to choose something that isn’t too precious. You will be allowing others to use it.
- In small groups, discuss why you decided on this product. Poll your peers to see who has this product. What is their opinion of it? Now do the same with the other members of
the group.
the group.
- Allow those in your group who are LEAST familiar with the product to investigate it. Document their actions and questions. Now do the same with the member who is MOST familiar with it.
- Go through the list of topics to the left and answer the questions posed. Also, identify questions that SHOULD have been asked of your specific product.
- Document and present your findings
Digital Presentation covering all of the topics above AND any other topics that are relevant to the chosen design.